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A Bender from Germany
Permanent Link: http://photos.aroundcarson.com/details/20080609englisch1
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Hi folks!
I am Silvana Bender, 34 years old, from Germany! You can see me on the right hand in this pic taken in a German Pub in the town Duisburg in West Germany.
Have a great day!!
Silvana Bender
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Date Uploaded: June 9, 2008
aysha ismail said:
on Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 04:03 PM
Hi Silvana. I cannot believe I found you. don't know if u still remember me, an old "pen" friend from south Africa.
would love to keep in contact once again if you still interested.
my e-mail address: bibicassimjee@telkomsa.net or you can find me on facebook on bibi aysha cassimjee.
would like to hear from you. Bye and take care.