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Train Yards

Date of photo: 1949

Permanent Link: http://photos.aroundcarson.com/details/20100318photo0231
Shortlink: http://photos.aroundcarson.com/d/1386
Tags: carsoncity vtrailroad

Available Sizes: 800x562 | 1024x720 | 2048x1440


A look at the V&T Train yards in Carson City. This view looks west down the main line; the passenger depot is hidden in the trees to the left, and the rails continue down Washington Street on their way to Reno. The water tank is on the left, the car barn is on the right where motor cars like McKeen #22 were kept. V&T Caboose #24 sits on a siding but the train itself is nowhere to be seen.

In the background behind the caboose you can see the Safeway store that used to sit a Carson and Washington. Behind the car barn you can see the back of the Civic Auditorium, which today houses the Children's Museum.


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Date Uploaded: March 18, 2010

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